Сделайте из данных предложений вопросительные. (Pr Perfect) We have been to the theatre.
I have painted the walls in my bedroom.
Richard has turned on the radio.
They have explained this rule to me.
Amy and Ron have gone to play tennis.
Molly has made a cup of tea. Извините я потеряла свой вопос​

Сделайте из данных предложений вопросительные. (Pr Perfect) We have been to the theatre.I have paint

ОлиПоп ОлиПоп    1   26.11.2020 17:03    65

micha197979 micha197979  26.12.2020 17:04

What have I painted in my bedroom?

Where have we been?

What has Richard did?

What have they explained to me?

Не уверен

What has Molly made?


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