Сделайте хотяб любой из вариантов 1) – able or – ible ? выберите правильное прилагательное enjoyable enjoible enjoyable enjoiable enjoyible 2) выберите правильное слово во множественном числе. in the fall, the….begin to change colour. leaf leaves leafes leafs leavs 3) подберите к выделенному слову подходящее по смыслу an ancient story. humorous old terrible lively strange 4) какому времени глагола относится предложение i cook meal and my sister washes dishes. a) present simple b) present continuous c) future simple d) present perfect e) past simple 5) предложение в форме present continuous a) he always has lunch at 1 o clock b) we are taking photographs c) this novel isn’t boring at all d) i have broken the window e) the translated the text yesterday 6) выберите правильный вариант a) i saw her entering the room b) i saw her enter the room c) i saw her to enter the room d) i saw her to entering the room e) i saw her a entered the room 7) подберите слова подходящие посмыслу i don’t like people who are not . they don’t speak they hardly know the meaning of . they are very impolite, politely, politeness, polite politeness, impolite, polite, politely politely, polite, impolite, politeness polite, politely, politeness, impolite impolite, polite, politeness, politely 8) определите к какой части речи относятся выделенные слова we perform short plays sing song and playgames. noun, verb, adjective, verb verb, verb verb, noun noun, noun 9) найдите лишнее слово a) hacker b) adviser c) finger d) speaker e) teacher 10) выберите правильную форму глагола nearly 2,000 years ago people …… ice-cream. eat ate have eaten eats eating 11) выберите сложные слова head, work, note, black, sun a) shine, book boards, master, man b) board, shine, book, man, master c) book, man, master, shine, board d) man, book, shine, master, board e) master, man, book, board, shine 12) вставьте нужный глагол …..you (go) shopping last monday? was….go do……go did……went have….gone did….go 13) вставьте подходящий по смыслу глагол the old lady couldn’t up the idea of visiting paris, give make take turn get 14) укажите правильный вариант окончания существительного образованного от глагола translate-? , realize-? pronounce-? connect-? –ion, -tion, -sion, -ssion –tion, -tion, -tion. –ion –ion,-tion,-ion,-sion –tion,-ssion,-sion, -ion –ssion, -tion, -ion, -sion 15) выберите верный вариант two men with guns got the car and went into the shop. by on in out of off 16) определите нужное местоимение we usually paint the house….. myself itself yourself ourselves themselves 17) предложение в форме present participle a) the channel separating great britain from the continent is called the english channel. b) the schoolchildren were talking the fallen leaves away morning c) that was clear and sunny d) we saw a new building in the street e) the film is very interesting 18) вставьте нужный модальный глагол to my mind, we all…..take care of the nature. have may to is to ought to need to 19) выберите верный вариант your sister used to visit your parents quite often,… didn’t she wouldn’t she doesn’t she hadn’t she did she 20) выберите нужный артикль where is…centre of…..earth? _ …_ a…the the…_ the…the 21) выберите правильную форму infinitive we came here….to your parents speak speaking to speak to speaking to spoke 22) выберите правильный вариант глагола when i saw the girl i was sure i …..her before meet have met met had met had meeting 23) употребите правильный вариант местоимения. i always ask my brother and …..for advice a) he b) his c) him d) himself e) — 24 ) выберите верный вариант my hair…. very dirty, i must wash……it. is…it are…them isn’t …it aren’t …them are….it 25) закончите предложение he seemed …… nice man nice men a nice man a nice men a nice mans

debnatkh debnatkh    2   04.10.2019 17:50    15

khafizovtimur1oybznk khafizovtimur1oybznk  09.10.2020 20:10

1) enjoyable 2) Leaves 3) old 4) a) Present Simple 5) b) We are taking photographs 6) b) I saw her enter the room 7) polite, politely, politeness, impolite 8) Определите к какой части речи относятся выделенные слова где ? We perform short plays sing song and playgames.

Noun, verb,

Adjective, verb

Verb, verb

Verb, noun

Noun, noun

9) c) Finger 10) ate 11) e) master, man, book, board, shine 12) did….go 13) give 14) –tion, -tion, -tion. –ion 15) out of 16) ourselves

17) a) The Channel separating Great Britain from the continent is called the

English Channel. 18) ought to 19) didn’t she 20) The…the 21) to speak

22) had met 23) c) him 24 ) is…it 25) Зa nice man

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