:сделайте эти предложения отрицательными и вопроситьльными 1.we have some friends 2 kate has some intersting books 3 my father has some computer games 4 there is some tea in my mug 5 there is come wather in the jug

sanekakot sanekakot    3   31.03.2019 02:50    4

Ник111111н Ник111111н  27.05.2020 20:19

1.we have some friends - We have no friends. We haven't any friends. We don't have any friends. Have we any friends? Do we have any friends?


2 kate has some intersting books - Kate has no intersting books. Kate hasn't any intersting books. Has Kate intersting books?


3 my father has some computer games - My father has no computer games. My father hasn't any computer games. Has my father any computer games?


4 there is some  tea in my mug - There is no  tea in my mug. There isn't any tea in my mug. Is there any tea in my mug?


5 there is some water ( у тебя ошибки!) in the jug - There is no water in the jug. There isn't any water in the jug. Is there any water in the jug?

АкадемеG АкадемеG  27.05.2020 20:19

1. do they have some friend?

     we have no friends/we have not any friends

2. does Kate has some interesting book?

     Kate does not have any interesting books/ kate has no interesting books

3.has your father got any computer games?

    my father have not any computer games/my father have got no computer games

4. is there any tea in the mug?

     there is not any tea in the mug/ there is no tea in the mug

5.  is there any water in the jug?

      there is not any water in the jug/ there is no water in the jug

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