Сделайте ! choose the suitable one and translate the sentences. 1.why do you look/look up/look at so tired? 2.aysel looks/looks through/looks like her mother. 3.i’ve lost my watch and now i’m looking at/looking up/looking for it. 4.the primroses look/look like/look after stars. 5.shaig looked at/looked like/looked up an elegant film director. 6.sebuhi looks /looks after/looks for a rugby player. he’s enormous. 7.aygun is looking at/ for/ through the newspaper now. she‘s going to find useful information.

LizaIlina1 LizaIlina1    1   03.10.2019 03:00    1

Дашулька1644 Дашулька1644  09.10.2020 13:04

1. Why do you look so tired?

2. Aysel looks like her mother.

3. I’ve lost my watch and now I’m looking for it.

4. The primroses look like stars.

5. Shaig looked like an elegant film director.

6. Sebuhi looks like a rugby player. He’s enormous.

7. Aygun is looking through the newspaper now. She‘s going to find useful information.

1. Почему вы выглядите так устало?

2. Айсель похож на свою мать.

3. Я потерял свои часы, и теперь я ищу их.

4. Примулы выглядят как звезды.

5. Шейг выглядел элегантным режиссером.

6. Себухи выглядит как регбист. Он огромен.

7. Айгун просматривает газету. Она собирается найти полезную информацию.

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