
1.Translate words:
TV guide
Celebrity gossips
Go off
Proud of
Просить чего-то

2.Translate sentences:
The members organized different events and activities such as planting trees and helping stray animals.
The producer organizes everything and controls the show.
Эти журналы очень популярны и привлекательны для подростков.
Продолжай говорить.

3.Open the brackets and put words into Past Simple or Past Continuous:
She (leave) an hour ago.
Timmy (listen) to music while his mum (cook).
Mr Shiao (drive) his taxi when the turtle (fall).

4.Fill in off, on, with, off.
We must use this eggs soon before they go ………
Go ….. I’m listening to you.
That blouse goes really well …….. your skirt.
My alarm clock went ….. at 7 o’clock.

vfeukb59Pavek vfeukb59Pavek    3   04.12.2020 15:12    0

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