Сделай каждое предложение отрицательным используй по очереди краткие и полные формы запиши получившиеся пары. they can skate. it can fly. the frog can skip. sam can play chess. i can see a rabbit.

миллер6 миллер6    1   07.07.2019 06:00    0

mashamalenkova mashamalenkova  30.07.2020 08:21
They can skate-They can't skate.
It can fly-It can't fly.
The frog can skip-The frog can't skip.
Sam can play chess-Sam can't play chess.
I can see a rabbit-I can't see a rabbit.
Jordano23Mirra Jordano23Mirra  30.07.2020 08:21
They can't  skate.
It cant fly.
The  frog cant skip.
Sam cant play chess.
I cant see a rabbit.
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