сделать задание. Надо правильно раскрыть скобки, используя страдательный залог.
Open the brackets, using Passive Voice.
1) I wanted to go to the shop but it (close).
2) This interesting book (sell) in the Bookshop.
3) The picture (paint) by my elder sister.
4) When I went out I remembered that the windows (open).
5) My shoes (make) of natural skin.
6) English language (speak) all over the world.
7) My favourite book (call) "Gulliver's Travell".
8) The president of the USA (elect) by the people.
9) Pop music (hear) by many young people.
10) When I don't go to the office my flowers (water) by secretary.

KalipsoMirai KalipsoMirai    1   14.04.2020 19:39    1

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