сделать задание. Can you insert appropriate transitional words in the following sentences?

In the first exercise the category of transitional word is given. In the second exercise you will have to decide which category is most appropriate.

(taken from Parks, AF, Levernier, JA and Hollowell, IM 1996, Structuring paragraphs A guide to effective writing, Bedford/St. Martin’s, Boston, pp. 119-120)


Our state’s correctional system is plagued with problems. (a) , (example) high officials increase their personal wealth by awarding building and catering contracts to disreputable companies in return for bribes. (b) , (addition) promotions within the system are made on the basis of politics, not merit. (c) , the system is filled (result) with people at the top who know little about what they are doing. (d) , (addition) careless security measures, allowing tr

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