Сделать put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: phil: what. (you/do) tonight, linda? linda: i . (go) to the painting exhibition at the museum. do you want to join mo? phil: no, thanks. i (already/see) this exhibition at the museum. linda: really? it's interesting (to know) your opinion! phil: i (enjoy) it more if you little sister cathy hadn't been with me. linda: but, why? phil: well, the painting exhibition (to be) very interesting but my sister (to spoil) it for me. she disappeared. i . (can/ not) find be: anywhere. i (look for) her for an hour when she was (find) by the museum worker. linda: i see, i'm sure you (be) glad when the holidays are over. phil: you are right l (look forward) to it. i free time.

hollok hollok    3   30.09.2019 19:01    1

sakyra225 sakyra225  09.10.2020 06:06

What are you doing

I am going to

I have already seen

to know

I would have enjoyed

was very interesting


could not

have been looking for

was found

are glad

i am looking forward to it!

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