Сделать правильно по ! прочитайте предложения, употребив нужные по смыслу предлоги: behind, from, to, in front of, in, at. 1)there is a beautiful flowerbed the house. 2)the nurse does not live the hospital. 3)there is a little garden the house. 4)lena's mother works the library. 5)let's go the post office. 6) we live vasilkovo.

dhvcn dhvcn    3   19.05.2019 03:40    0

Moldir94 Moldir94  12.06.2020 08:47

1. in front of 

2. from

3. behind

4. at

5. to

6. in


angelinamed0203 angelinamed0203  12.06.2020 08:47

1)  There is a beautiful flowerbed  in front of  the house.

2)  The nurse does not live far from the hospital.

3)  There is a little garden behind  the house.

4)  Lena's mother works at  the library.

5)  Let's go to the post office.

6)  We live in Vasilkovo.

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