Сделать общий, специальный, альтернативный и раздельный вопрос из предложения :
mr and mrs connor often take them for a camping weekend to the seaside or to the mountains.
28 .
буду .

lisaezhikova lisaezhikova    3   12.12.2019 14:55    14

1охико1 1охико1  10.10.2020 20:12

Do Mr and Mrs Connor often take(.,до конца)?

Where do Mr and Mrs Connor take them often?

Do Mr and Mrs Connor seldom or often take?

Переписывай всё предложение, don't they?

murka280705 murka280705  10.10.2020 20:12

Do Mr and Mrs Connor often take them for a camping weekend to the seaside or to the mountains?

В предложении есть or, поэтому общий вопрос будет и альтернативным одновременно.

Where do Mr and Mrs Connor often takes them for a camping weekend? (специальный)

Mr and Mrs Connor often take them for a camping weekend to the seaside or to the mountains, don't they? (разделительный)


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