Сделать complete the exchange with phrases and sentenses from the list. * shall we * how about * that's briliant idea * i'm sorry * sure * i don't really like 1 a: go to the cinema tonight? b: ,i can't. i'm going shopping with mum. 2 a: going to the zoo this weekend? b: the kids love animals. 3 a: let's go swimming today. it's very hot. b: . why not? it sound like fun. 4 a: how about playing tennis this weekend? b: playing tennis. i prefer basketball.

whitepanda1 whitepanda1    3   20.09.2019 17:10    1

dmitriy14nagiev dmitriy14nagiev  10.09.2020 12:56
1)  A: Shall we
    B:  I'm sorry 
2)  A: How about
     B: That's brilliant idea
3)  B: Sure
4) B: I don't really like 
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