Сданных слов сложите предложение и переведите их. 1. jimmy, into, coffe, never, his, puts, sugar. 2. forget, to, your, gargle, don't, throat. 3. has, country, own, every, regulations, its, customs. 4. large, you, ask, any, by, in hotels, may, for, service, telephone.

Владислава3000 Владислава3000    2   07.07.2019 03:10    0

karahenov98Алекс karahenov98Алекс  30.07.2020 06:55
1. Jimmy never puts sugar into his coffee.
2. Don't forget to gargle your throat.
3. Every country has its own customs and regulations.
4. In large hotels you may ask for any service by telephone.
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