Сд/з по ! надо сочинение на тему: " описать дом мечты".пешите по сочинение, (и ещё перевод текста ( не за это 25 ! мне надо чтобы в сочинении было указана четырёхкомнатная квартира в городе ( без моря, рек и озёр ! ). комнаты: 2 детские, 1 спальня, большой зал (гостиная), большая кухня, комната для обучения, 2 ванные и 2 ! как - то так сделайте ( ) !

hhhttt1520 hhhttt1520    1   30.05.2019 13:50    2

  01.10.2020 15:05
The English love to say "My house is my fortress". Everybody would like to live in a house or a flat of their one. I also imagine the flat of my dream.
First of all, l prefer spacy flats. That's why I'd like to have a four-room flat in the centre of a city. I don't like country life very much, and rivers, lakes or seas don't matter for me. It is important for me to have a large living-room, a bedroom and two rooms for children. Besides, there will be a spacious kitchen, a study, two bathrooms and two toilets in my flat.
I hope that one day my dream will come true.
bobr6 bobr6  01.10.2020 15:05
All we have dreams.Some of us would like to be an actor,another would like to have lots of animals,for example.As for me,I would like to have a big house in the city,where would be 2 children's room,1 living room,1 bedroom,a kitchen, a big one,an office and 2 bathrooms.My house would locate in the city center.There would live all my future family:me,my husband and our two wonderful children.I believe that all dreams come true and my isn't an exception.
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