Say it in english using modal verbs could+perfest infintive a)она могла бы заболеть.было холодно и)он чуть не утонул,но брат его с) она могла выиграть чемпионат,но неожиданно заболела. b) он мог бы стать спортсменом,но стал учителем е)я мог бы поехать в лондон учиться, но остался в москву express your advice, using modal verbs should+perfect infinitive a)the boy missed classes and failed his exams. b)the girl didn t wearm wam clother clothes in winter and caught a cold. c) she had the flue but she didn t take any medicine d) he spent too much time with computer and became tired e)he was rude with his little brother

Andrianovnd Andrianovnd    1   29.07.2019 07:40    1

MrMike1 MrMike1  19.04.2020 08:55
A) She could get ill. It was cold
b)He could sink but his brother saved him
c)She could win the championship but she got ill suddenly
d)He could be a sportsmen, but he became a teacher
e)I could go to London to study, but i remained in Moscow

a)I think he should try to pass exams again
b)The girl should pay attention to her health
c)She should go to the pharmacy
d)He should go out
e)He should be more friendly
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