sarah's nightmare
jess good morning, sarah. what's the
matter? you look terrible!
sarah oh, i had a really terrible
nightmare last night.
jess what was it about?
sarah well, i was sitting in a canoe and
the instructor was teaching me to
paddle. we started paddling down
the river and the instructor was
behind me suddenly the river got
very fast and strong and i couldn't stop the canoe.
jess what was the instructor doing?
sarah i looked behind me, but the instructor had disappeared.
then i looked round again and screamed. i was approaching
a huge waterfall.
jess how horrible! what happened next?
sarah well, i went over the waterfall and i was falling
through the air when suddenly i woke up.
tfound that i was lying on the floor!
snced a tot
his car
listen o
listen and answer the questions.
1 did sarah sleep well last night?
2 why couldn't she stop the canoe?
3 what happened to the instructor?
4 what was happening in her dream when
she woke up?
5 did she wake up in her bed? ​

FSoxGy FSoxGy    2   25.11.2019 11:30    4

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