С! write what frank has done this afternoon.use these word combinations. 1)to have lunch 2)to speak to his parents 3)to teach his younger brother to swim 4)to spend some time in the swimming pool 5)to buy some cheese and butter 6)to think his project over and write it down 7)to meet his uncle and aunt at the railway station 8)to send an e-mail to his friend

Катерика2004 Катерика2004    3   18.06.2019 15:00    13

maskaasenkova maskaasenkova  15.07.2020 07:57
Frank has had lunch this afternoon
Frank has spkoken to his parents this afternoon
Frank has taught his younger brother to swim this afternoon
F. has  spent some time in the swimming pool this afternoon
F. has  bought some cheese and butter this afternoon
F. has thought his project over and write it down this afternoon
F. has met his uncle and aunt at the railway station this afternoon
F. has sent an e-mail to his friend this afternoon
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