С водопадом связан ряд легенд и исторических событий. Из-за при для ловли рыбы, использованных здесь герцогом Якобом, Кулдигу в старину называли страной, где лососей ловят в воздухе: идущие против течения лососи и рыбцы прыгали прямо в приготовленные корзины
A number of legends and historical events are associated with the waterfall. Because of the fishing devices used here by Duke Jacob, Kuldiga in the old days was called the country where salmon are caught in the air: going against the current, the salmon and fishers jumped directly into the prepared baskets
A number of legends and historical events are associated with the waterfall. Because of the fishing gear used by the Duke Jacob here, Kuldig was called the country where salmon are caught in the air: salmon and fishes going upstream are jumping directly into cooked baskets