с утвердительными предложениями.
Anton always (go) to the seaside in summer
My mother (cook) in the kitchen at the moment
He (work) hard yesterday
Look! The dog ( sleep) in the yard
She (live) in New York.
l (be) in the park last week
Alex (run) 2 km every day.
We (talk) now.
l ( clean) my teeth every day
l (buy) a book 2 days ago.
Там про Past simple Present Simple Present Continuous

Ангелина75645674 Ангелина75645674    3   14.04.2020 17:22    2

доньак доньак  13.10.2020 06:04

Goes, is cooking, was working, is sleeping, lives, was, runs, are talking, clean, bought

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