с условными предложениями
Use the proper tense and write the type of conditionals
1. If you ___ (to be) busy, I will leave you alone. Type ___
2. If it ___ (to rain), it is wet. Type ___
3. If she doesn’t come on time, (to wait) we? Type ___
4. If you (to be/not) so careless about your health,
you would consult a doctor. Type ___
5. If she doesn’t manage to finish the report, she ___ (to have to) wake up early
in the morning tomorrow. Type ___
6. If he wasn’t an actor from Marvel, he (to have/not) so many followers. Type ___
7. If I ___ ( to be) you, I would learn another language. Type ___
8. We ___ (to go) for a walk at a quarter to seven, if it is sunny and warm. Type ___
9. They would go to the Hermitage every week, if they ___ (to live)
in Saint Petersburg. Type ___
10. If you ___ (to speak) English and studied harder, you would ___ (to practice)
your language skills. Type ___

andryshaua1 andryshaua1    2   27.04.2020 17:22    0

ДиКабиден1000 ДиКабиден1000  13.10.2020 23:17

1 are/ type1

2 rains/0

3 will we wait?/1

4 weren't/2

5 will have to/1

6 wouldn't have/2

7 were/2

8 will go/1

9 lived/2

10 spoke; practice/2

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