с тестом по английскому 1. Choose the word with a short vowel
A) pot
B) seat
C) each
D) board
2. Choose the word with the sound:
A) church
B) think
C) wish
D) vision

3. She said: “The dress is beautiful”. This sentence has:
A) Direct address
B) Author`s words
C) Enumeration
D) Parenthesis

4. Intonation is a…
A) science of languages
B) complex unity of variations in pitch, stress, tempo and timbre
C) studying of pronunciation
D) special colouring of voice, which shows the speaker's emotions

5. (Low pre-head + ) low head + low rise (+ tail)
A) Intonation Pattern 6
B) Intonation Pattern 7
C) Intonation Pattern 5
D) Intonation Pattern 8

6. a downward curve represent..
A) the final fall
B) a level tone
C) the range of the voice
D) the final rise

7. Choose the correct variant of intonation. What will happen next Monday?
A) What will happen next Monday?
B) 'What will 'happen 'next Monday?
C) 'What will 'happen 'next Monday?
D) 'What will happen next Monday?

8. Find the word in which the underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A) watch
B) back
C) pack

9. Find the word in which the underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A) piece
B) ease
C) cream
D) great

10. Choose the word, ending in a voiced соnsonant:
A) fifths
B) fields
C) maps
D) cats

11. Choose unpronounceable letter(s): climb
A) c
B) l, b
C) b
D) m, b

12. Choose the word with the same vowel sound as in a word “there”:
A) hear
B) hair
C) how
D) hire

13. What is the emotional colouring (“attitudes”) in a sentence? "What time is he coming? (High Level Head + Low Rise + Tail)?
A) удивление
B) разочарование
C) покровительственность
D) заинтересованность

14. Choose the word ending in a vowel sound
A) quickly
B) juice
C) picture
D) café

15. Choose the word with the sound [ʃ]
A) bishop
B) arch
C) school
D) sign

16. Choose the word with a short vowel
A) me
B) aunt
C) grill
D) your

17. A dash represents…
A) the final rise
B) a level tone
C) the range of the voice
D) a long pause

18. Determine the intonation model of a sentence: I beg your "pardon.
A) Low Rise + Low Fall + Tail
B) Low Pre - Head + Fall - Rise
C) High Head + Fall - Rise
D) Low Pre - Head + Fall - Rise + Tail

19. The head includes.
A) The stressed and unstressed syllables beginning with the first stressed syllable up to the last stressed syllable
B) The stressed and unstressed syllables beginning with the first stressed syllable up to the last unstressed syllable
С) The half-stressed syllable
D) The last stressed syllable
20) Choose the word with the same vowel sound as in a word “friend”
A) receive
B) kettle
C) believe
D) leave

21. Stress-and-tone of Fall-Rise is marked in the text:
A) \
B) /
C) >
D) \/

22. . If an adverbial clause precedes the principal one and makes a separate intonation-group, it is usually pronounced with:
A) Low-Fall or Mid-Level
B) Low-Rise or Mid-Level
C) Low-Fall only
D) Low-Rise only

23. The students were listening to the text at the laboratory (not in Room 15). Where should logical stress be put?
A) The students
B) Listening
C) Text
D) At the laboratory

24. The first-year students sang a Russian folk song (not an American song). Where should logical stress be put?
A) The first-year
B) Students
C) Russian

25. It rained hard on Sunday in Pushkino (not yesterday). Where should logical stress be put?
A) Rained
B) Hard
C) On Sunday
D) In Pushkino

olgadyra olgadyra    2   23.05.2021 11:36    2