с тестом или Present Continuous. Выберите правильный вариант.

1) My mother never ___ me up in the morning.

A doesn’t wake B is making C wakes

2) My father is in Greece now. He ___ at a very nice hotel.

A stays B is staying C stay

3) Ann ___ her friends early in the morning.

A doesn’t usually meet B don’t usually meet C isn’t usually meeting

4) All the members of our family often ___ for evening tea.

A gather B are gathering C gathers

5) I ___ dinner because I’m really hungry.

A cook B am cooking C is cooking

6)What ___ on Saturdays?

A are you doing B does you do C do you do.

7)I’m sorry. I ___ this word.

A doesn’t remember B am not remembering C don’t remember

8)Don’t go out! It ___ hard at the moment.

A is snowing B snows C snow

9)Brian always ___ his friend in the evening.

A is phoning B phones C phone

10)Why ___? I’ve lost my keys.

A do you cry B does you cry C are you crying

2. Past Simple или Past Continuous. Выберите правильный вариант.

1). I ___ to be a pilot when I was young.

a) was wanting в) wanted с)was wanted

2). The train ___ on time yesterday.

a) arrived b) was arrive c) was arriving

3) Why so long yesterday.

A) did the baby cry b) did the baby crying c) was the baby crying

4) We were in a difficult situation. We ___ what to do.

a) didn’t know b) were not knowing c) not know

5) He usually meets his sister on Fridays but he ___ her last Friday.

a) wasn’t visiting b) didn’t visit c) weren’t visiting

6) What ___ at 6 p.m. yesterday?

a) did you do b) were you doing c) was you doing

7) Where ___ when I met you yesterday?

a) were you going b) did you going c) did you went

8) Kate ___ along the country road when her car broke down.

a) was driving b) drove c) was drive

9) The firm went bankrupt and I ___ my job.

a) was losing b) losing c)lost

10) I felt sick yesterday. I ___ something rotten.

a) was eating b) ate c) were eating

3. Переведите текст. My favourite food

For some food is a source of pleasure, for others - a source of energy. For me food – is a pleasant source of energy. I think that pleasant food is healthy food. To my mind healthy food should be quite simple. I eat complicated dishes only in restaurants. My daily meals consist of the same dishes every day. First of all I would like to say that I do not eat animal meat at all. I prefer fish and other sea products. So in the morning I usually have some cottage cheese with kefir, then I have tea with two cheeseburgers. At dinner I have vegetable soup, a salad and fried fish. I do not have desserts, but only tea with lemon. For supper I have just a salad and then I eat fruit.

I love all kinds of milk products, especially kefir, cottage cheese and cheese. I prefer cheeses from Germany, France or Switzerland. As for sea products I love shrimps, salmon and trout. I like different kinds of salads, dressed with olive oil or sour cream. I also love all kinds of potato dishes. I usually drink down food with natural juices or kvass.

Adventurous Adventurous    2   22.04.2020 10:16    12

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