с тестом
1.Students ... talk or eat in class.
2. Is there any milk? - ...
a) not much
b) not
c) not many
3.Sarah ... up early in the morning
a) wake
b) waked
c) is waking
4. We ... go out because it's raining
a) can
b) can't
c) must
5.Paula ... the dishes at the moment
a) can wash
b) washes
c) is washing
6.My father ... ice cream.
a) don't likes
b) doesn't like
c) isn't liking
7.I ... to the sea next summer.
a) don't go
b) didn't go
c) won't go
8.We ... football last weekend.
a) will play
b) played
c) play
9.Are there ... strawberries in the
a) any
b) much
c) some
10.She has got a TV ... she hasn't got a camera
a) and
b) or
c) but
11.We ... our parents on Sundays
a) are visiting
b) visits
c) visit
12.Yesterday I ... to do it myself
a) tryed
b) try
c) tried
13.Look! Mike ... the flowers
a) water
b) is watering
c) waters
14.My mom always ... delicious food.
a) cook
b) cooks
c) is cooking​

VoinBogov VoinBogov    3   15.05.2020 22:06    1

Shariknt Shariknt  14.10.2020 20:23
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