С) task 1. use the verbs in brackets in past simple passive or present perfect passive. 1) the table just (lay). we are sitting down to dinner. 2) the house (sell) three months ago. 3) are you sure the tickets (buy)? 4) the other day all the decorations (prepare). 5) when they (inform) about the incident? task 2. use the right article where necessary. 1) on his birthday steve invited his colleagues for drink after work. 2) i'd like to watch the new film but at moment i'm too busy preparing for the test. 3) james talked with someone on the phone in low voice. 4) the tourists had covered 20 km on foot and were really tired. task 3. make these sentences passive. 1) english borrowed a lot of words. 2) the postman brings them a lot of periodicals. 3) mr william's secretary will send this telex tomorrow. 4) we must discuss the contest of the novel. 5) the company offered nelly a very interesting job.

Попова1234 Попова1234    1   31.08.2019 05:40    85

cawa0273 cawa0273  06.10.2020 06:26
Task 1.
1) The table has just been laid. We are sitting down to dinner.
2) The house was sold three months ago.
3) Are you sure the tickets have been bought ?
4) The other day all the decorations were prepared.
5) When have they been informed about the incident?
Task 2.
1) On his birthday Steve invited his colleagues for a drink after work.
2) I'd like to watch the new film but at the moment I'm too busy preparing for the test.
3) James talked with someone on the phone in a low voice.
4) The tourists had covered 20 km on foot and were really tired.
Task 3.
1) A lot of words were borrowed by English.
2) They are brought a lot of periodicals by the postman.
3) This telex will be sent by Mr William's secretary tomorrow.
4) The contest of the novel must be discussed by us.
5) Nelly was offered a very interesting job by the company.
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