с переводом, я понимаю, насколько сложно перевести этот текст, но если вы в состоянии перевести его самостоятельно (с переводчиком я сам справлюсь) то , хелп ми во все времена люди делились на различные классы и субкультуры. в древности были касты вассалов и рабов, в веке были вожди и рабочие, но с наступлением демократии и смягчением неравноправности, появились различные субкультуры. просто человеку комфортнее с теми, кто мыслит как он. давайте разберемся, что в этом хорошего и плохого. например, готы. это люди, которые увлекаются музыкой, имеют свой собственный взгляд на вещи, но предпочитают черную одежду и пессимистично относятся к жизни. или эмо. такие люди мирные и тихие, не настроены враждебно и не хотят поработить мир, зато чувствительны и ранимы, а многие из них вообще не хотят жить. и что все это значит? каждый человек должен иметь свое мнение и право на выбор, быть ему хипстером, панком или никем. мне кажется, что вопрос задан неверно: смысл не в том, полезны ли эти субкультуры, а в том, нужны ли такие люди обществу. ну, если мы не хотим быть только лишь рабочей силой с порядковым номером на шее, то для сохранения человеческой индивидуальности полезны всякие личности, может быть кроме патологических. таким образом, человек может увлекаться чем угодно, одеваться так, как ему нравится и плевать на мнение других, может быть его фишка в том, чтобы быть изгоем. главное, чтобы твои интересы не пересекались с интересами других людей.

helloVika1 helloVika1    1   04.07.2019 22:50    0

makhero111 makhero111  28.07.2020 14:00
Avlyus) then pliz, the help ofAt all times, people were divided into different classes and subcultures. In the ancient caste were vassals and slaves in the past century were leaders and workers, but with the advent of democracy and the alleviation of inequality, there were various subcultures. Just people comfortably with those who think like him. Let's see what good and bad.For example, the Goths. These are people who are addicted to music, have their own view of things, but prefer black clothes and very pessimistic about life. Or Emo. Such people are very peaceful and quiet, not hostile, and do not want to conquer the world, but it is very sensitive and vulnerable, and many of them do not want to live. And what does it all mean? Everyone should have an opinion and the right to choice, be it a hipster, punk or anyone. It seems to me that the question is incorrect: the meaning is not that useful if these subcultures, and whether there should be such people to society. Well, if we do not want to be only a workforce with a serial number on the neck, in order to preserve human individuality useful any person can be other than pathological.Thus, people can get involved in anything, to dress as they like and do not care about the opinion of others, it may be the trick is to be an outcast. The main thing that your interests do not overlap with those of other people.
Ира5563 Ира5563  28.07.2020 14:00
At all times people were divided into different classes and subcultures. In ancient times castes were vassals and slaves, in the last century were leaders and workers, but with the advent of democracy and the mitigation of inequality, there were various subcultures. Just person more comfortable with those who think like him. Let's see what good and bad. For example, Goths. These are people who are fond of music, have their own view of things, but I prefer black clothes and a very pessimistic attitude towards life. Or emo. Such people are very peaceful and quiet, not hostile and do not want to enslave the world, but very sensitive and vulnerable, and many of them do not want to live. And what does this all mean? Everyone should have their opinion and the right to choose, be it hipster, punk or nothing. It seems to me that the question is asked incorrectly: the point is not whether these sub-cultures, and whether we need such people to the society. Well, if we don't want to be only a labour force with a serial number on the neck, in order to preserve human individuality helpful every person, except possibly for pathological. Thus, people can get carried away with anything, dress as he likes and not care about the opinions of others, may be his thing to be an outcast. The main thing is that your interests don't intersect with the interests of other people.
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