с грамматикой

1. Put verbs in brackets into the correct form:
1. I don’t know you brother. We never (meet) ………………………. before.
2. Do you know any language? – No, I never (study) …………………….… languages.
3. I need to see your sister – where is she? – She just (go) ………………..… to school.
4. Do you know – what is this drama about? – No, I (see) …………………… it yet.
5. Did you see my letter? – I already (post) ……………………… it.
6. Do you know this girl? – Oh, yes. She (help) …………………….. me a lot.
7. Do you know any interesting places in America? – No, I never (be) ……………………… to the USA.
8. I can find my coat. – I think somebody (take) ……………………. it by mistake.
9. Do you know where does she live? – I (hear) ……………………. that she (move) ……………….. to London.
10. I (taste) ………………….. such delicious pizza since my last trip to Italy.
11. I already (hear) …………………….… this concert.
12. He (be) …………………….. married four times.

diaabd150ozrpt6 diaabd150ozrpt6    3   21.04.2020 12:23    0

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