с формами сравнения (сравнительная или превосходная)
1. Sam lives ___ away from school than Tom, but Eric lives ___ away (far)
2. I was happy because the film was ___ than I expected (entertaining)
3. Susan did ___ in her exam than the moth before (bad)
4. The Nile is one of ___ rivers in the world (long)
5. This is the ___ lake I've ever seen (shallow = not deep)
6. Most planes go a lot ___ trains (fast)
7. Which one is ___? A tiger or a crocodile? (dangerous)
8. I think this book is much ___ the other one (good)
9. The twins are the same height. Tim is ___ Sue (tall)
10. I have spent quite a lot of money today! Now I have ___ money than yesterday (little)
11. Phil was ___ to see his uncle again (happy)
12. Suze is ___ in our family (liitle)
13. My cousin Tom is ___ my cousine Tom (polite)
14. Do you have any ___ questions (far)
15. This is ___ costume I have ever seen (ugly)
16. Tom is quite ___ at Maths, Phil is even ___ Tom and Eric is by far ___ of all three (good)
17. Do you think that travelling to Scandinavia is ___ than travelling to South Africa (exciting)
18. Aunt Sally has ___ book in our family (many)
19. This is ___ television programme I've ever watched (bad)
20. Which language is ___ to learn? Spanish or Russina? (easy)

arpinan arpinan    1   09.04.2020 18:30    28

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