С- что к чему относится i. to let someone leave a place where they have been kept - 2. release someone from something - 3. release someone on bail (=let someone go free until their trial after an amount of money is paid) - 4. to let someone leave a hospital or other place where they have been having medical treatment - 5. to let an animal leave a place where you have been keeping it - 6. release something from something - 7. to save someone from a place they are unable to leave - a) the tiger was accidentally released from its cage. b) the hostages are due to be released at 2 pm today. c) two men were arrested and then released on bail. d) fully recovered, the birds can now be released back into the wild. e)the men were released by firemen after becoming trapped in a lift. f) he will be released from prison in july. g) he was taken to a local hospital but released after a chcck-up. h) he was released from prison in july.

жанна19882 жанна19882    1   03.09.2019 07:20    1

bagov2001 bagov2001  06.10.2020 14:10
1 - b
2 - f, h
3 - c
4 - g
5 - d
6 - a
7 - e
youtubeadamchuk youtubeadamchuk  06.10.2020 14:10
1 - h
2 - f
3 - c
4 - g
5 - d
6 - b
7 - e
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