с английским языком.
Ernest Rutherford is one of the greatest physicists of all time. He ranks among such well-known scientists as Isaac Newton and Michael Faraday. Indeed, just as Faraday is called the “father of electricity”, so Rutherford can be called the founder of nuclear physics.
He was born in 1871 in New Zealand in the family who had emigrated from Great Britain. He was one of the best pupils in primary and secondary schools where he won prizes in history and languages as well as mathematics. At the age of 19, he finished school and entered the University of New Zealand where he began his research work and made his first scientific reports. Ernest Rutherford left New Zealand in 1895 as a highly skilled 23-year-old man who had three degrees from the University of New Zealand and had a reputation of an outstanding researcher.
At the end of the 19th century, many scientists thought that no new achievements in physics could be made. However, in some years, Rutherford succeeded in developing a new field of physics called radioactivity. Rutherford made his greatest contribution to science with his nuclear theory of the atom. In 1908, he received the Nobel Prize — but for chemistry. He worked in leading universities of England, Canada, the USA and New Zealand. During his lifetime, Rutherford was awarded many scientific prizes.
After Rutherford’s death, many buildings in many countries have been named in his honour. He has appeared on the stamps of four countries: Sweden, Canada, Russia and New Zealand. In 1992 he appeared on the new NZ $100 banknote. In 1997 the element Rutherfordium was named in his honour. Also craters on Mars and the Moon are named after him.
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1) один из великих физиков,
2) основатель ядерной физики,
3) был одним из самых лучших учеников в начальной и средней школе,
4) начал свою исследовательскую работу,
5)научные доклады,
6) имел репутацию выдающегося исследователя,
7) преуспел в развитии новой области физики,
8) был награжден многими научными наградами,
9) были названы в его честь,
10) появился на марках четырех стран

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