с английским вас
1)Look, he - - - - - to school! (go).
2)--— I - - - - TV now? (watch).
3)They - - - - - bananas. (not/eat).
4)Who - - - Sally - - - in Spain? (visit).
5)She - - - the news but she - - - - soap opera. (watch /not watch).
6)When - - - you - - - to a football match? (go).
Good evening!
Complete. Use the Present Progressive and Present Simple.

Адема12345 Адема12345    2   06.05.2020 00:48    0

Arsen2045 Arsen2045  24.08.2020 13:24

1) is going

2)Can... watch...

3)... aren't eating...

4)...does... visit...

5)... is watching... isn't watching...

6)...are... going...

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