с английским
Упражнение 5.Вставьте подходящий предлог .

Does Molly paint eggs ___ Easter?

Did your girlfriend play any jokes April 1st?

Do Molly and sally wear funny costumes Halloween?

Does Greg send cards Valentine's Day

Fred got a lot of funny presents Christmas.

School begins September 1st.

Do you play jokes ___ April Fool's Day?

Was Easter May last year?

Is your birthday summer?

I'm going to have a party the weekend.

I usually come home ___ three o’clock.

I usually take a shower the evening.

I usually tidy my room ___ Sunday.

I usually wash the dishes the afternoon.

I usually go to bed10.30.

I play basketball ___Tuesday and ___Friday.

Who was born March?

My friend was born October.

My school starts8.00.

He was born ___ the fifth of June.

We have Art Monday and ___ Friday.

The first lesson ___Wednesday is Music.

I get up 7 o’clock.

We have New Yearthe first of January.

end of the year we’ll have no exams.

I have studied English ___ four years.

We are going to meet ___ half past three.

The telephone rang ___ midnight.

Упражнение 6. Вставьте подходящий предлог .

There's a strange woman standing a tree. (под)
There's a motorbike the car (перед) and a bicycle it (позади), so the car is the yellow motorbike and the bicycle.
There's a bus waiting ___ a bus stop.
There's a briefcase the desk. (под)
Can you see a camera the drawer?
There's a large picture the wall___ two small
There are two bedrooms the flat.
Santa Monica is Southern California.
I've got a poster of Kevin Costnermy wall.
Heidelberg isthe River Neckar.

Упражнение 7

Переведите предложения, подчеркните вставленные предлоги

Утки идут через дорогу.
Вытащи кошку из коробки.
Кто-то смотрит сквозь замочную скважину.
Мы приехали в этот город в поисках новой жизни.
Питер дважды убегал из дома.
Он вынул из кармана нож.
Я повернул по направлению к дому.
Уберите ноги с сидений.
Дети побежали вниз по склону.

steel09090 steel09090    3   15.05.2020 21:23    17

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