с английским, Учебник: http://edoc.bseu.by:8080/bitstream/edoc/72471/1/Reading_in_Business_English.pdf
Страницы: 17 - 21.

Прочитать 2 текста и выполнить задание №5

Write the key words and expressions from the article next to their

Student A (Part A)
1. people who put their money into a new business in order to make a profit;
2. people who invest their money in a new business that may or may not be
3. items that have been sourced from developing countries for which a proper
price has been paid so that the producer is not exploited;
4. someone who uses their own or other people‘s money to start a new business;
5. cash that is used for starting a business or project;
6. the possibility to develop or achieve something in the future;
7. to give money to help someone or something;
8. amounts of money that people give in order to achieve something or to help
make it successful;
9. dishonest or illegal behaviour by officials or people in positions of power,
especially when they accept money in exchange for doing things for others.

Student B (Part B)
1. disappointed because you have discovered that someone or something is not
as good as you had believed;
2. people who start a business or company;
3. people who know a lot about technology or computers, especially as their job;
4. moving around something in a quiet way, especially because you intend to do
something bad or take advantage of someone / something;
5. doing something that shows you no longer have the same moral principles that
you used to have;
6. an experienced person who helps someone who has less experience, especially
in their job;
7. when the country‘s trade system does not grow;
8. computer systems and the programs that can be used with them;
9. looked after, cared for, and helped to develop.

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