С английским )
*Сопоставьте слова с их значениями.
1. despair
2. determination
3. encourage
4. failure
5. inspire
6. rebel
7. responsibility
8. behaviour
a. a duty that you have to do because it is part of your job or position
b. to give someone confidence or hope
c. the refusal to let anything prevent you from doing what you have decided to do
d. to experience the feeling that a situation is so bad that nothing you can do will change it
e. thee way that someone behaves
f. to give someone the enthusiasm to do or create something
g. someone who opposes people in authority or opposes accepted ways of doing things
h. lack of success
*Завершите предложения словами из Упражнения 1.(Выше)
1. A leader is someone who is ready to take the for his own actions.
2. A leader should not. After a possible he should be able to rise again.
3. A leader shouldpeople and make them follow him.
4. Teenagers usually picture a leader as a , someone ready to go against the mainstream thinking of the adult world.
5. Leaders have strong willpower and.
6. Good leaders personal growth and creativity in others.
7. Any time you try to influence the of another person, you start acting as a leader.
*Составьте словосочетания.
Leader - ship Leader
Personal - Builder
Adult - Behaviour
Mainstream - Willpower
Strong - Style
Responsible - Word
Positive - Cooperation
True - Thinking
career - development

natalia27347 natalia27347    1   17.04.2020 09:21    93

Yorfound Yorfound  17.04.2020 09:30

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