с английским present Continuous
1. Tom ( to be) in his room. He ( to play) the piano.
2. Jane ( to speak) English well .
3. I ( to look) for my glasses. Where are they?
4. My brother ( to smoke) 20 cigarettes a day.
5. john is tired , so he ( to have) a short sleep.
6. How much ( to cost) to send a letter to Paris?
7. My parents ( to drink) coffee with milk.
8. I ( to hate) big cities and a lot of people there.
9.What you(tomake)now?
10. Where they ( to go) at the moment?
II. Следующим главным отделом грамматики считается изучение и повторение степеней сравнения прилагательных.
Выполнить этот тест письменно.
1. I met my (good) friend yesterday. a. goodest
c. best
2. Ann is (young) in her family.
a. the youngest
b. the younger
c. young
3. Henry is not (strong)his elder brother Bob. a. so strong as
b. strong as
c. stronger
4. -It isn't very warm today , is it?
- No it was (warm) yesterday. a. more warm
b. warmer
c. the warmest
5. Where is (near) post-office, please? a. the nearest
b. the next
c. nearer
6. Public transport in London is ( expensive) in Europe. a. the expensivest
b. the most expensive
c. more expensive
7. This is (old) theater in London . a. an older
b. the oldest
c. the eldest

arabenko arabenko    3   13.05.2020 15:50    4

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