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Forging is the oldest known metalworking process. It is believed to have begun when early man discovered he could beat pieces of ore into useful shapes. History tells us that forging was widely practised at the time when written records first appeared.
The blacksmith was one of the first to realize the advantages of forging. Although he did not know why, he knew that hammering a piece of hot metal not only resulted in a usable shape, it improved its strength. It is this inherent improvement in strength of metal that has placed forgings in the most highly stressed applications in machines.
To understand why forging improves the mechanical properties of metal, it is important to recognize that metal is made up of grains. Each grain is an individual crystal, and when the grains are large, cracks call occur propagate along the grain boundaries. Therefore, it is desirable to minimize the grain size in a metal.
Reducing the metal's grain size is one of the things forging does so well. Forging breaks down a coarse-grained structure producing a chemically homogeneous wrought structure with much smaller grains by controlled plastic deformation. In forging, controlled plastic deformation whether at elevated temperature or cold (at room temperature) results in greater metallurgical soundness and improved mechanical properties of the metal.
Metal shaping by controlled plastic deformation is the basis for all forging operations. Because of the diversity of forging end-use applications, however, a wide range of processes and equipment have been developed to produce forgings. Some processes are ideally suited to make large parts, others, small parts, and still others, rings. Modern forging is not only carried out in virtually all metals, it is done at temperatures ranging from more than 2500 'F to room temperature. Part configuration generally determines the forging method chosen.

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