с английским Переведите предложения, определите время глагола-сказуемого:
1. Somebody built this house in 1930. This house was built in 1930.
2. We can solve this problem. This problem can be solved.
3. Somebody cleans this room every day. This room is cleaned every day.
4. Peter bought it yesterday. It was bought yesterday.
5. Ann is reading the book at the moment. The book is being read at the moment.
6. Somebody had stolen my key. My key had been stolen.

3. Закончите предложения:
8. Brian told me that somebody had attacked and robbed him in the street. Brian told me that he…
13. We will send you your examination results as soon as they are ready. You…
14. They didn’t ask me my name. I…
15. I think they have offered Tom the job. I think Tom…

TOLIK474747 TOLIK474747    2   26.11.2020 19:34    0

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