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MrFoxTv MrFoxTv    2   29.06.2021 11:00    0

миша1128 миша1128  29.07.2021 12:05

A: Do you know whose villa that is?  

B: Yes. It belongs to Paul Richards, the famous director.  

A: Is he at home now?  

B: I don't think so. He is making a new film in Mexico at the moment. Look! There's his wife. She is getting into her car now.  

A: She's beautiful! What are those people doing over there?  

B: They are cleaning the swimming. They usually came every Thursday at about 9.30 in the morning. Paul Richards is a very polite and friendly man and he often lets my children play in the pool when he is here.  

A: He sounds like a great neighbour. Lucky you!

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