с английским. ОЧЕНЬ ! (6 класс,тема «Ходимо по крамницях») Put the right word into the sentence.( записати слово наприклад 1.rice)

A loaf of bread, a tube of toothpaste, magazine, sausages, a kilo of potatoes, rice.

Emma has to buy at the butcher’s.
Tom needs to buy a at the greengrocer’s.
Fred doesn’t have to buy at the baker’s.
Tina shouldn’t buy a at the chemist’s.
Vicky may buy her favourite at the newsagent’s.
Nick can buy some at the grocer’s.
Find the answers to the next questions (написати наприклад 1.a)
What do you need? a) Sixty pence.
How much is the loaf of bread? b) Yes, I need a kilo of carrots and a

kilo of bananas.

What would you like? c) Some medicine for a headache, please

Can I help you? d) I’d like a kilo of sausage, please.

Make up sentences in the Past Simple Tense. (пишемо речення повністю в минулому часі)

My mother/ to buy/ a bar of chocolate/ yesterday.
We/ not to go/ to the swimming pool/ last Friday.
You/ to meet/ your friend/ yesterday?
My friend/ to have/ a birthday party/ last Sunday.
Mike/ to visit/ his grandparents/ a week ago?
Jane/ not to walk/ her dog/ in the morning.

Make up a dialogue. (скласти діалог фразу по порядку)

No, we don’t need any vegetables. I bought them yesterday.
Oh, no crisps! You’d better buy some ice cream, Alice.
There is little milk left. Will you go to the supermarket and buy a bottle of milk and a tin of sardines, Alice?
Well, we need a kilo of potatoes and a loaf of bread.
Ok, Mum! Do we need anything else?
Should I buy any vegetables, Mum?
Can I buy a packet of crisps then, Mum

Gandondddddd Gandondddddd    1   03.02.2022 23:22    0

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