с английским нужно вставить слова в правильной форме How did you get the … about the author’s…?

He stood … and couldn’t understand what was going on.

That was a …. Idea.

Boxes and bottles are …

The story about the prince’s…and….seems really very …..

The…of…press was a great event in history.

The first handwritten books were … decorated.

Early libraries were used only by …

In modern libraries … catalogues are used.

After a long and … search they found what they were looking for.

This kind of literature has some strange…for me.

The child spent his days under the … eyes of his Granny.

Inform, child




Appear, appearance, mystery

Invent, print







Aunt Lynn was not really an Aunt. She… at school with Robin’s mother, so Robin was not her nephew. Robin was four years old and he looked a lot… . Lynn …no pets that might give Robin germs and never …. him toys that had sharp corners. She also made Robin … warm clothes when a cold wind … and rubber boots when it… Be

Young, keep


Wear, Blow


Enigma1267 Enigma1267    2   10.04.2020 13:01    61

lena1super lena1super  24.01.2024 14:10
How did you get the information about the author's background?

He stood there confused and couldn't understand what was going on.

That was a brilliant idea.

Boxes and bottles are everywhere.

The story about the prince's adventures and discoveries seems really very interesting.

The invention of the printing press was a great event in history.

The first handwritten books were beautifully decorated.

Early libraries were used only by scholars.

In modern libraries, electronic catalogs are used.

After a long and thorough search, they found what they were looking for.

This kind of literature has some strange appeal for me.

The child spent his days under the watchful eyes of his Granny.

The information, my young friend, is what we gather or obtain about something or someone. In this case, we are asking how you obtained the information about the author's background.

When we say that someone "stood" somewhere, we mean that they were in a particular position or place without moving. In this sentence, the person stood there without understanding what was happening.

A brilliant idea is an idea that is very clever or smart. It is usually something that is innovative or inventive.

When we say that something is "everywhere," we mean that it is present or can be found in many places or all around.

The story about the prince's adventures and discoveries seems really very interesting. It captures the imagination and makes us want to find out more about what the prince experienced and uncovered.

The invention of the printing press was a momentous event in history. It revolutionized the way books were produced and made knowledge more accessible to a wider audience.

The first handwritten books were meticulously decorated. People would often add beautiful illustrations and decorative elements to make the books visually appealing.

Early libraries were primarily used by scholars and intellectuals. They were places where people could access rare manuscripts and study in a focused environment.

In modern libraries, electronic catalogs are used to help people find books and other resources more efficiently. Instead of flipping through physical catalogs, we can search for titles, authors, or subjects electronically.

After a long and thorough search, they finally found what they were looking for. They had to put in a lot of effort and investigate carefully to locate the desired item or information.

This kind of literature has some strange fascination for me. It captivates my attention and intrigues me in a way that is difficult to explain.

The child spent his days under the vigilant eyes of his Granny. She watched him closely, making sure he was safe and out of harm's way.

Now, let's talk about Aunt Lynn. She was not really Robin's aunt by blood, but she had a close relationship with Robin's mother. So, as a result, Robin referred to her as his aunt even though they were not related. Robin was four years old and he resembled Lynn a lot, or in other words, they appeared similar in appearance.

Lynn did not have any pets that could potentially give Robin germs. She also never bought him toys that had sharp corners, as she wanted to ensure his safety.

Additionally, Lynn always made sure that Robin wore warm clothes when it was cold and rubber boots when it rained. This was to protect him from the elements and prevent him from getting sick.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the meanings and use of the words in the provided sentences. Let me know if you have any further questions!
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