с английским нужно, 1. a) What nouns can you form from the following verbs and adjectives?
1) to speak, to buy, to destroy, to create, to dump, to picnic;
2) to operate, to illustrate, to create, to radiate, to cooperate;
3) calm, ill, soft, ready, dark.
b) Make up true sentences with these verbs and nouns.

2. What adjectives can you form from the following nouns with the help of the suffix -less?
penny, land, hair, luck, sun, moon, hope, life, sleep

3. a) Think of the correct way to express the same in Russian.
1) homeless people; protection of the environment; a city with a population over 3 million; further development of the country; real freshness of the air; to see clearly; to do the job easily; waterless places; to pollute the atmosphere; to populate the area; to govern the country; I personally think…; important cooperation; to speak powerfully
2) to warm dinner; to poison an enemy; to forecast weather; to dump rubbish; to test nuclear weapons; to damage the environment; to influence the government
b) Think of true sentences with these word combinations and write down at least five of them.

9. Put these words under four categories: Sports, Shopping, Health, Food.
to row, pancakes, cream, chess, the baker's, a loaf of bread, pork, headache, boating, rugby, sick, cricket, the grocer's, a stomach, earache, athletics, ill, toothache, to hurt, the butcher's, to buy, blood pressure, hockey, pulse, a jar of honey, cottage, cheese, goli, dairy products, lungs, sour cream, to recover, team, horse-riding, to sell, a pound of bacon, to cough, competition, to sneeze, a soft drink, a packet of biscuits, to wrap, a threat, to fry, to cure, pain, a prescription, the fishmonger's, medicine, to pay, a sweet shop, a bar of chocolate.

Please, answer the questions about enviromental problems.
1. Water pollution is becoming quite bad. Have you ever thrown
anything into a river or a lake? If so, what? Why? Have you ever
washed your bicycle in a river or a lake? How dirty did it make the
2. People use a lot of washing powder. 2 Have you ever done it? Does
your family do it? Do you think it does harm to our rivers and seas?
3. Burning makes air pollution worse. Have you ever burnt rubbish
or autumn leaves?
4. Most of the pollution in big cities comes from cars. They also make
a lot of noise. Has your family got a car? How often do you use it?
5. One of the environmental problems is a shortage of food. People in
some countries even suffer from hunger. Does your family buy much
food? Do you sometimes throw it away? How much of it do you

mariarura mariarura    1   12.06.2020 02:23    32

kz2388 kz2388  14.01.2024 14:15
1. a) What nouns can you form from the following verbs and adjectives?
1) to speak - speaker, speech
to buy - buyer, purchase
to destroy - destroyer, destruction
to create - creator, creation
to dump - dumper, dump
to picnic - picnicker, picnic
2) to operate - operator, operation
to illustrate - illustrator, illustration
to create - creator, creation
to radiate - radiator, radiation
to cooperate - cooperator, cooperation
3) calm - calmness
ill - illness
soft - softness
ready - readiness
dark - darkness

b) Make up true sentences with these verbs and nouns.
- The speaker gave an inspiring speech at the conference.
- I am the buyer of this car.
- The tornado was the cause of destruction in the town.
- The artist is known for his unique creations.
- The dumper unloaded the trash at the landfill.
- We had a fun picnic in the park.

2. What adjectives can you form from the following nouns with the help of the suffix -less?
- penny - penniless
- land - landless
- hair - hairless
- luck - luckless
- sun - sunless
- moon - moonless
- hope - hopeless
- life - lifeless
- sleep - sleepless

3. a) Think of the correct way to express the same in Russian.
1) бездомные люди; охрана окружающей среды; город с населением более 3 миллионов; дальнейшее развитие страны; настоящая свежесть воздуха; видеть четко; легко выполнить работу; безводные места; загрязнить атмосферу; населить территорию; управлять страной; Я лично думаю...; важное сотрудничество; говорить мощно
2) подогревать обед; отравить врага; прогнозировать погоду; сбрасывать мусор; испытывать ядерное оружие; наносить ущерб окружающей среде; влиять на правительство

b) Think of true sentences with these word combinations and write down at least five of them.
- Бездомные люди нуждаются в помощи.
- Охрана окружающей среды - наша общая ответственность.
- Наш город имеет население более 3 миллионов человек.
- Дальнейшее развитие страны требует усиленных усилий.
- Вечерний воздух наполнялся настоящей свежестью.
- Я вижу четко без очков.
- Эту задачу можно легко выполнить.
- Пустыни - примеры безводных мест.
- Загрязнение атмосферы имеет серьезные последствия.
- Нам нужно населить эту область новыми жителями.
- Хорошее управление страной - залог процветания.
- Я лично думаю, что это правильное решение.
- Важное сотрудничество между странами способствует миру.
- Она говорит мощно и убедительно.

9. Put these words under four categories: Sports, Shopping, Health, Food.
- Sports: to row, boating, rugby, chess, athletics, cricket, horse-riding, hockey
- Shopping: the baker's, the grocer's, the butcher's, a packet of biscuits, a pound of bacon, the fishmonger's, sweet shop
- Health: headache, ill, earache, sick, toothache, blood pressure, lungs, pulse, cough, to recover, pain
- Food: pancakes, cream, a loaf of bread, pork, cottage cheese, goli, dairy products, sour cream, a jar of honey, cheese, bacon

Please, answer the questions about environmental problems.
1. Water pollution is becoming quite bad. Have you ever thrown anything into a river or a lake? If so, what? Why? Have you ever washed your bicycle in a river or a lake? How dirty did it make the water?
- Water pollution is a serious issue that affects the ecosystem and human health. It is important to understand the impact of our actions on water bodies. Throwing objects into rivers or lakes can pollute the water and harm aquatic life. Washing a bicycle in a river or lake can introduce pollutants like oil and dirt, making the water dirty and unsafe for aquatic organisms.

2. People use a lot of washing powder. Have you ever done it? Does your family do it? Do you think it does harm to our rivers and seas?
- The excessive use of washing powder can contribute to water pollution. When washed off, the chemicals from the powder can enter rivers and seas, affecting water quality and aquatic life. It is important to use washing powder responsibly and in moderation. Personally, I try to use eco-friendly detergents and avoid excessive use.

3. Burning makes air pollution worse. Have you ever burnt rubbish or autumn leaves?
- Burning rubbish or autumn leaves can release harmful pollutants into the air, contributing to air pollution. It is better to dispose of waste properly or use recycling methods instead of burning. Additionally, burning leaves or rubbish can also pose a fire hazard. It is important to follow proper waste disposal guidelines.

4. Most of the pollution in big cities comes from cars. They also make a lot of noise. Has your family got a car? How often do you use it?
- Cars are a major source of pollution in cities, emitting harmful gases that contribute to air pollution. The noise generated by traffic can also be a nuisance. If a family has a car, it is important to use it responsibly and consider alternative transportation methods, such as public transportation or cycling, whenever possible. Reducing car usage can help alleviate air pollution.

5. One of the environmental problems is a shortage of food. People in some countries even suffer from hunger. Does your family buy much food? Do you sometimes throw it away? How much of it do you waste?
- The issue of food shortage and hunger is a serious concern globally. It is important to be mindful of food consumption and wastage. Families should buy an appropriate amount of food, considering their needs and reducing food waste. It is crucial to prioritize proper storage and use of food to minimize waste. Donating excess food to those in need can also be a way to address the issue of food shortage.
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