с английским Напишите следующие словосочетания в притяжательном падеже. Образец выполнения: the father of my friend - my friend’s father.

1. The wife of our teacher.
2. The room of my sisters.
3. The house of Mr Green.
4. The rights of women.
5. The meeting of the students.
6. The doll of their niece.

N2. Вставьте вместо точек местоимения: much, many, a lot of

1. There isn’twater in the cup.
2. They havefriends.
3. Did you visitcountries? 4. He can give youEnglish books.
5. We didn’t learn new words.

N3. Вставьте местоимения: little, few.

1. There aremagazines on the table.
2. There ismilk in the glass.
3. I havefree time now.
4. He mademistakes in the test.

Albinamuratshaeva96 Albinamuratshaeva96    1   10.06.2020 23:31    5

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