С АНГЛИЙСКИМ Н1. 1 should come and see you off if I not (live) so far away. 2. If I had the money, I (buy) that motobike. 3. They not (go) tomorrow if it rains. 4. If you (stay) here a 'little longer, you will see him. 5. I shouid be disappointed if they not (come). 6. If we had no luggage, we (walk) home. 7. If it (rain) on Saturday, I shall stay at home. 8. I should have called you up yesterday if I (be) in town. 9. If the goods had been loaded quickly, we (receive) them time. 10. If you had arrived a little earlier, you (find) me there. 11. If he (be) here, he would answer you. 12. We shall be very sorry if he not (call) on us tonight. 13. If he had not lost his spectacles, he (be able) to finish this work in time. 14. If I had been in your place, I not (say) this. 15. We shan't go out unless it (to stop) raining. 16. You will not have better health unless you (take) better care of yourself. 17. I (come) if I had had time. 18. He would leave Liverpool tonight if he (get) the necessary documents. 19. I not (catch) cold if I had worn my overcoat. 20. I would drive to the country if the woather (be) fine. 21. The man (be killed) if the car hadn't stopped quickly.
Н2 Продолжи предложение
1. You would know Russian better if ... : 2. I should have left St.Petersburg yesterday if ... . 3. If I were you, go for a walk If 6. I should lend you my text-book if ... .7. If we had bought the tickets, .. . 8. If they were here, .. . 9. We should be glad if 10. If he were 4. If I had known that it was going to rain, ... . 5. I shall younger... 11. If you had got up earlier this morning. ..​

okorfeda okorfeda    3   10.05.2020 18:58    17