с Английским. Help me

Gerunds and infinitives
1) Complete the sentence with correct form of these verbs
come, dry, go, phone, play, survive,tell,use
1. Clara wanted Matthew but the line was engaged
2. Maria has to practise the present perfect because she finds it difficult
3.The explorer managed in the jungle for months
4.Nick enjoy ... basketball. He's captain of the school team
5. When I asked Louise about the secret, she refused me
6.Have you ever considered ... to university?
7.Amy promised ... home before midnight.
8. After Sue had finished her hair, she went to the park with her boyfriend.
2)Complete the sentences with the correct form (gerund or infinitive) of the word in brackets
1.Did you remember (bring) the beach towel?
No,I didn't, but I brought my swimsuit
2. I remember ... (go) on holiday to Australia when I was a child
3.Are you going out tonight? I can't I need ... (revise) for my exams
4. My bike needs (fix). It's got a puncture.
5.I regret (tell) Fred he was an idiot.
6. I regret ...(inform) you that you've failed your driving test
7My computer isn't working
Have you tried ...(restart) it?
8 I've been trying ...(phone) Clara since six o'clock but there's still no reply.
3)Rewrite sentences 1-6. Use a gerund and the words given.
1. I didn't go to the party, I stayed at home Instead of
2. When Greg passed his exams, he went to university
3. Rachel was annoyed when she lost her mobile phone. Rachel wasn't pleased about
4. Zoe read a book. then she went to bed
5. Although he lost the game, Paul wasn't upset In spite of
6. Karl likes tennis. He's always playing it
Karl is keen on
4)Rewrite these sentences using an infinitive and making any other necessary changes.
1 How can I send a text message?
Scan wanted to know
2 We're going rollerblading this weekend.
We've decided
3 I'm seeing Lisa tonight
I've arranged
4 Tiona has passed her driving test.
Fiona has learned
5 Who should i ask for help?
I need to know
6 This is how you play the computer game:
Tina showed Mark
7 Where can I buy an MP3 player?
Nick wasn't sure
8 I'm going to dimb that mountain
Liz was determined

chery97 chery97    1   14.12.2020 02:18    3

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