с английским! Буду очень благодарен
I. Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.
Entrants, opposing, spectator, addicted, bounce, worked out, scored.
1) Ann’s mother told him not to … around on the bed.
2) Football is a very popular … sport.
3) In the last seconds of the game, the young player … the goal.
4) There were 100 … in the writing contest.
II. Underline the correct item.
1) It's too hot here. I think I'll take the fur coat off/out.
2) There's a party with celebrities. So I am take you away/out for the party.
3) Pick up your pencils and take down/up the notes.
4) The new manager will take in/over next week.
III. Fill in: if, unless.
1) … you don’t pay up, you will be in trouble.
2) … anyone has found my camera, would they please return it to me?
3) … she is late again, she will be shown the door
4) … Nick starts now, he will not reach there in time.
IV. Complete the sentences using the Conditional (Type 0,1,2 or 3).
1) If I were you, I … (stop) smoking.
2) If we … (play) better, we could have won the championship.
3) If I hadn’t been busy, I … (come) with you.
4) If the weather was a bit warmer, we … (go) on a picnic today.

Леееера1 Леееера1    2   21.05.2020 20:17    5

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