с английским! 8 класс
This book ( to write) by a famous Russian writer in the 19th century.
He said that he (to visit) this country some years ago.
If you (to call) me today, I would have time to explain you the situation.
We want (to invite) you to our celebration.
He said that he (to do) his homework after he (to have) dinner.
Ann enjoys (to talk ) on the phone.
Do you mind my (to open) the window?
I (to) fly to London next week.
When we saw him he (to eat) a sandwich which he (to buy) in MacDonald’s.
If you (to tell) me about it earlier, I (to cancel) my visit.
I (to work) this weekend.
She never (to forget) her duties.
The test (to check) by next Friday.
This cake (to sell) everywhere.
We (to send) this message to all the members of the group two days ago.

polinkaa777 polinkaa777    1   29.04.2020 09:50    3

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