С! : ( а) прочитайте текст и заполнить пробелы ae с частями предложений 1-6. существует один лишний. 1) how scientists work things uot 2) didn`t know anything,really 3) the only planet i was ever going to live on 4) seem to know nearly everything 5) how to fly a plane 6) "how do they know that? " 1)my own starting point was a school science book. i suspect my initial interest was based on an image of unsuspecting motorists plunging over the edge of a four-thousand-mile cliff running between central america and the north pole, but gradually my attention did turn to the scientific importance of the drawing and the realisation that the earth consisted of layers ending in the centre with a glowing sphere of iron and nickel,which was as hot as the sun,and i remember thinking with real wonder : 2) then,much later,i was on a long flight across the pacific, starting out of the window at the moonlit ocean, when it occurred to me uncomfortably that i didn`t know the first thing about i had no idea ,for example,why the oceans were salty,but the great lakes weren`t. i didn`t know whether the oceans were growing more salty or less,and whether i should be concerned about it or not. i didn`t know what a proton was ,or a protein,didn`t know a quark from a quasar,didn`t understand how geologists could look at a layer of rock on a canyon wall and tell you how old it was - 3) i became gripped by an urge to know a little about these matters and to understand above all how people figured them out. that to me remained the greatest off all amazements- how does anybody know how much the earth weighs or how old its rocks are or what really is way down there in the centre? how can they know how and when the universe started and what it was like when it did? how do they know what goes on inside an atom? and how, come that - or perhaps above all-can scientists so often but then still not be able to predict an earthquake or even tell us whether we should take an umbrella with us to the races next wednesday? прочитайте текст еще раз и выбрать лучший ответ: a) my interests in school b) why i became fascinated by science c) how our world works ответить на вопросы: 1) what part did a schoolbook play in the author`s life? 2) why was a long plane journey an important moment for him? 3) what in particular interests him about scientists? 4) what does the author mean when he asks if he should take an umbrella to the races?

AmitJK AmitJK    3   06.07.2019 00:10    9

Алгебра111111111 Алгебра111111111  29.07.2020 11:19
A6 B3 C2 D1 E4 B) Why I became fascinated by science
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