С, 98 ! complete the phrases with prepositions from the box. sometimes there is more than one correct answer. (заполните фразы предлогами из рамочки иногда существует несколько правильных ответов.) предлоги: at, by, in, near 1. the mountains 2. the seaside 3. a village 4. a campsite 5. a lake 6. youth hostel 7. a river 8. a hotel

максимус67 максимус67    1   28.05.2019 02:23    2

марина1927 марина1927  25.06.2020 13:59

1.In the mountains

2.at the seaside

3.in a village

4.at a campsite

5.near a lake

6.at a youth hostel

7.by a river

8.in a hotel