С- 1) joan didn't go to after school . she began to work . 2) at what age can you leave , at 14 for 16 ? 3 ) jessica was very tired and went to early . 4) hers was a religious school , so they went to a lot . 5) james should go to , he is very ill . 6) mum goes to on saterday . she works in a shop and they are open at weekends - вот что можно вставлять ( school , church , university , bed , work )

хранитель7 хранитель7    1   03.08.2019 04:00    0

seitzhan1 seitzhan1  30.09.2020 06:15
1) University 2)school 3)bed 4)church 5)doctor/hospital 6)work
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