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Елленаа Елленаа    1   14.08.2019 18:30    0

neagsivb neagsivb  04.10.2020 19:24
Table setting for birthdayFirst you need to think about how to begin serving table? First you need to buy a tablecloth with lace patterns, and it is a white tablecloth. On it is necessary to lay oil cloth, cloth to protect from contamination. Next you need to decide on the number of guests who will be present at the birthday party. Thus you zastrahuyetesya of unforeseen situations, for example, you can put smaller plates or calculate the amount of drink. And of course, you need to think about the decoration of the table, so that it looked great and created a festive mood. The easiest way to decorate the table for baskets of fruit, as woven baskets of various materials very attractive look. It is advisable to use porcelain dishes and goblets of crystal. Simply put - save for laying is not necessary. Then you need to determine the place where a table stand. Many forget about it, but it plays a crucial role. The most common mistake - to set the table in the lobby, guests will through this cold in the hallway for a strong draft. Complicate exit from the table may be a small room, it would be extremely inconvenient guests. Preferably put the table in the largest room, for example, in the living room or hall. But if visitors would be too much, and you have your own cottage, you can put a table outside or porch Unfortunately, setting the table in the street is not suitable for winter.Start serving nastylanyya need with beautiful tablecloths and cloth to protect it. Then you put a vase on the table with their favorite colors, you need to put a vase next birthday, but note that it should not close it from other guests or intervene. Then you need to put on the table a fruit basket, you can put them on different edges of the table. Only then put the base of bread (sliced), glasses of cocktails and plates of sandwiches and so on. The most important rule in this case - arranged things so that they are available for guests and attractive look, or as if you are nicely placed, guests can not stay unhappy.Once you put it placed the tablecloth and decorations must be made serving dishes. You need to learn the basic rules - namely, the dishes are arranged at a distance of 50 centimeters to one another, the minimum distance from the edge of the table - 1 centimeter. Remember that the dishes should have the same pattern and color is very important. First you need to place small dishes for main dishes, and put great dishes to soups. Do not forget that bread plates need to put every guest left on the main dish. Alignment of cutlery as follows: plug the left, than right. Remember, spoon with a fork should be placed concave surface up, and this is the most important rule of etiquette that is made in the USA and Europe. From left to put napkins for guests to wipe his face and hands. If you plan to dessert - put a dessert spoon around the main dish.Glasses, goblets, glasses and other containers should be put on a plate, with duhoobrazno - from left to right. The first concerns a large cup, and then small. This rule is also very important, never forget about it. Alignment forks, spoons, napkins and cups - does not change, you can decorate the table any way you like, but lay forks and napkins need for basic rules. Start of holiday must supply cold dishes such as sandwiches or salads. Then you can serve hot meals, first and second, and dessert. Under each bowl you need to find a separate spoon that guests do not have to impose their food spoons or forks.You also need to consider that children need to serve a table a little differently. It is about the same as in adults, but the dishes and glasses should be plastic. This is necessary primarily to ensure that the child is not injured, as he can easily break the dishes, and if it will be very expensive dishes - have to spend on buying new. Children should use a variety of jewelry table, they very much like, it is desirable to use a lot of bright colors. Next you need to think about meals that you utter children. Children very much like to eat sweet, just like drinking carbonated soft drinks. Special attention should be celebratory cake on him the children pay the most attention.Consider these rules before serving table birthday and you will rejoice guests and demonstrate their management skills.
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