Rite. h Ness
Dear Granny and Grandad,
Last Saturday, 1(1) went (go) to Loch Ness with some of my school
friends. We (2)
(want) to see the famous monster, Nessie!
We (3)
(have) a picnic and (4)
(stay) all afternoon.
We (5)
(talk) and (6)
(play) games. We also
(listen) and (8)
(look) for Nessie, but we
didn't notice anything strange in the lake :-(. Later we (9)
the Loch Ness museum and (10)
(watch) a film about Nessie.
We didn't believe a lot of the stories about Nessie, but we (11)
(laugh) a lot and (12)
(have) a great time.
Did you have a good weekend? I hope so!
Lots of love,
ite. Be a grammar detectivo​

Лёха1243232 Лёха1243232    3   18.01.2021 17:05    1

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